One of the most common aspects surrounding performance these days is that just about every audience member carries a camera and thinks nothing of 'capturing' the moment and then putting it up on the internet for the world to enjoy.
I still get bemused by this as the video/audio quality is usually poor at best, however it is a practise that seems will stay with us.
When I started out this was also considered a breach of copyright, but I guess that it has become virtually impossible to police.
“Always work towards being as prepared as possible.”
Now if it is a great performance then it is a wonderful opportunity to promote yourself, if not... yikes!
Remember that you have rights in these circumstances and can have these postings removed, better still always work towards being as prepared as possible.
There is nothing worse than being unprepared. Here are a few tips that should smooth out your preparation.
1) Have a sensible warm up.
2) Always present yourself in the best possible way with clothing and makeup/costumes that you feel comfortable in.
3) Always sing songs that you have some affinity and love for, the rest should take care of itself.
Sometimes we can fall into the trap of 'playing the room'. That is when it is a low key gig and we think that no one is paying any attention (and believe me that is sometimes the case). Recently I commenced teaching a wonderful young woman who was 'spotted' in a Talent Quest on a Friday night and was recruited and rehearsing for an international touring show (which included a Broadway stint) the following Monday!
Simply put, always do the best that you can with what you have to work with as you never know who's watching!